Monday, May 30, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

It's raining.  And it's supposed to rain more.  We might even have a Thuderstorm they say!  And it's supposed to rain all day tomorrow.  Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the rain.  It smells nice and gets rid of all the dust on the streets.  But, in Manitoba we are still dealing with all the flooding.  So many towns and cities in Manitoba are still in a crisis situation.  Winnipeg is okay but last week the news was saying that we're at a high risk of basement flooding.  So although I don't mind the rain, we don't need a whole lot of it at this point.  There are still sandbags and barricades covering the manholes in my neighborhood. 

Grandma and Poppa arrived back home late last night from a trip to pick up Cousin Bryce, from Illinois.  My boys can't wait to see them all!  Maybe later today, or tomorrow, we'll pack up my Lug bag that I love so much (tee hee) and head over for a visit.  Yesterday they drove for 13+ hours so they likely will be tired today, and the weather certainly won't perk them up. 

Off to do the neverending task of laundry.  I wish it did itself!

Have a great day everyone!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Just a quick update post.

The flea battle continues BUT, I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I have my daily routine which consists of waking up and immediately vacuuming the entire house.  This works up a good sweat before I'm able to sit and enjoy my coffee.  The kids know the routine, they sit on the couch or in our bed watching TV while mommy does he crazy cleaning.  The dogs are barely scratching anymore, so I know it's just a matter of staying on top of things for the next little bit, to make sure that no pesky little hopping bugs decide to make our house, their home.  Yuck though, is all I can say.

I had a great conversation the other night with some family out on the coast, it's always nice when we talk.  Something that we don't do often enough! 

It's raining out today and supposed to continue until Monday.  I work all weekend and Daddy will be at home trying to keep the boys entertained while I'm away.  To be honest, I need the break.  I love my kids to death, but it gets to that point at times, that I need some adult interaction.  So work it is! 

OK, off to do some laundry.  Yes, it's the ever daunting task that seems to take over our days in this house!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lemon Roasted Potatoes

I made these tonight and they were to die for!  The prep took next to no time at all and they were by far one of the tastiest potatoe dishes I've had (or made)!


8 potatoes, scrubbed.  I used red potatoes.
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/3 cup olive oil
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 tsp salt
2 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp pepper
In large pot of boiling salted water, cover and cook potatoes until slightly tender, about 15 minutes. Drain and let cool. With paring knife, peel off skins if desired; cut into wedges.
In large bowl, whisk together lemon juice, oil, garlic, salt, oregano and pepper; add potatoes and toss gently to coat.

(Make-ahead: Cover and refrigerate for up to 4 hours.)

Arrange potatoes on parchment paper-lined or greased rimmed baking sheet. Roast in 400°F (200°C) oven, turning once, until tender-crisp and most liquid is evaporated, about 40 minutes

I used parchment paper and cleanup was quick and easy!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to price match in Canada *Video*

In case anyone wants or needs to know all there is to price matching!

*I was given permission to post this video on my blog by C. Howard*
Please visit Cassie's site at

Thanks for the great info!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Healing Hazel & my personal review

Click Here for the Healing Hazel Website

I have psoriasis. I've suffered from it for almost 9 years.  I have it on my scalp (worst place on me), my back, my stomach, under my breasts, behind my ears and in the creases in my ears. I also have odd patches just here and there.  It can get extremely itchy and causes me both great pain and stress.  I hate the way it looks, and limits the things I do outside the house.  It is limiting, because it looks terrible.  Thankfully, mine is mostly in places that I can cover up, but if I wear anything dark, I am constantly brushing my shirt off and looking in mirrors, because the flakes that end up on my shirt make me look like I have terrible dandruff.  At times, my scalp will bleed from the scratching I've done.  This happens mostly in my sleep. 
I have tried medicated lotions and ointments, special shampoos etc and if anything, they only bring me a bit of relief.  None though, have ever started to heal the psoriais "leisons" or scales and none have taken away the itch.  Most things will go through what I like to call the "honeymoon phase" as it seems it only lasts a short while, then the problems start creeping up again.

I recently started doing my own research on Hazelwood and the healing properties it holds.  I was very skeptical that something like a necklace, bracelet etc would work better than anything I've tried.  Well, let me tell you.......I was wrong.  I purchased my necklace(s) from Healing Hazel and have now been wearing one for only a few days and I am shocked.  Shocked and very very pleasantly surprised.  Within 24 hours of wearing the necklace, I noticed I wasn't itchy on my scalp as I had been.  I had learned to live with the painful itch, and now it wasn't there.  This is a HUGE positive for me!  After 48 hours, I noticed that some of the leisons under and on my breasts are not as mean and red looking.  The skin is getting softer on the spots that were so dry and scaly (gross, I know, but thus is life for anyone who has psoriasis, unfortunately).  I know these seem like little progressions, but for someone who has had these skin issues for so long, once that just sort of become a daily part of life, this is an amazing step in the right direction.  I should also mention, that I have anaphylaxis to quite a few foods, including Tree Nuts.  I did my research prior to buying the necklace, and it is completely fine and safe for people with nut/tree nut allergies. No part of the nut is in contact with the branches, and every single site I've looked at states that they are particularly careful about this when harvesting the wood. 
If you google "benefits of hazelwood" or "healing properties of hazelwood" you'll read for yourself all of the ailments that it can help.  There are too many for me to write about at the moment, but as I continue wearing my necklace, I'll be sure to blog even more on it!

There are many companies offering Hazelwood jewellery however, my experience with this one particular company has been great so far and I'd recommend them! 

Thanks for the awesome product, Healing Hazel!

Some rainy day craft ideas

Lots of good rainy day craft info on this site! 
Check it out by CLICKING HERE

Wal Mart Canada Coupon Policy

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Walmart Canada: They will adjust the price in the following types of ads: buy one get one free ads with a specified price (example: buy one for $2.49, get one free), competitors’ ads that feature a specific item for a specified price, fresh produce and meat items when the price is offered in the same unit type (lb. for lb.; each for each).

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Rainy day and other stuff

Today and tomorrow, the weather is supposed to about as non cooperative as it could be.  Rain, rain and more rain.  So my challenge is now to find something to entertain the 3 boys, ages 10, 5 and 3 that is both enjoyable for all, and somewhat cost effective.  As a family of 6 (plus two dogs that have had extra expenses this month) saving money is not just a priviledge, it's necessary.  And I think I do okay with it! 
Guess I'll start looking around in the paper, online, to see what might be possible today.  I'd love to get out of the house, but realistically, it will probably have to be something that we can all do together, at home.  Matt is out at a wedding out of town today, so it's just myself and the kids.........

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dinner Bell! Crock Pot BBQ Chicken Drumsticks

It's been really hot here, and don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.  Not with the flooding going on right here in Manitoba, even with the high water's right down the street from where my house is.  However, it makes turning the stove on to 400F for an hour in the evening, when the house seems to be at it's warmest, not the most acctractive deal.  This is where my crockpot comes in!  I love crockpot cooking.  So easy, and it makes cleanup a breeze when you don't have a few pots and pans in addition to the plates and cutlery to clean up after you enjoy your meal.

Tonight, we're having BBQ drumsticks.  Basically, I took a package of chicken drumsticks (I think there were 16 in it), put them in the crockpot.  Sliced up an onion, chopped some garlic, tossed those in.  Poured (yes, I took the easy way today) half a bottle of Bulls Eye original and a whole bottle of Bulls Eye Honey Garlic sauce on top.  Stirred so the chicken was coated, put it on low for the next 8 hours.  We'll have noodles or rice with it, and some veggies.  Simple, the house will smell great from it cooking all day, and no one will complain about how hot it got when I was cooking!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just because this is VERY cool!

WHY Rear Facing is so important

As some of you may know, and as many of you don't, I am a CRST-Child Restraint System's Technician- and strive on the importance of not only rear facing (including extended rear facing) but also proper harnessing and kids in booster seats (when they're ready). 
This family is lucky.  Very very lucky.  They were armed with the knowledge, the tools and the child restraints to keep themselves and their most important cargo, as safe as they could in this situation.
It breaks my heart to hear and read of things like this, but also warms my heart to know that these children, and these adults, are okay.  Because of restraints, and car seats.

Lets keep our children safe.

Why I Do What I Do

Ugh. Need I say more?

It's been 24 hours of pure hell in this house.  Our dogs, very large dogs, have fleas.  This is bad.  Very bad.  Bad for them, bad for me.  They were treated last night and the cleaning fest started today.  Lots and lots of cleaning.  And it will continue tonight, and tomorrow.  The walls and floors were done today, tonight is steam cleaning of the couches, and tomorrow, my room.  The one dog that had fleas the worst, has a habit of sleeping on our bedroom floor and as much as we try to keep them off the bed, there is always evidence of them having hopped up and relaxing, until they hear us arrive home. 
I don't need this.  Not now.  Not ever.  I have heard fleas are very difficult to rid of, and that the flea eggs can take a long time to hatch, and that fleas jump places that we wouldn't think of.  I have vacummed a ton today, every nook and cranny is done, or so I think.  Someone at the nursery school suggested putting a bowel of warm water out, as it will attract the flea's, so I will try it.  No harm done! 
OK, this was just my quick post, now back to cleaning......

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Our day in Surgery

Yep, that's how we spent yesterday.  Our just turned 3 year old has had problems for awhile, snoring, snorting, drooling, and his speech is affected.  He had an adenoidectomy yesterday and did great! 
I was fine up until the morning of, I mean, 4 kids, all whom have had a surgery of some sort in the past.  (Tonsils, T-Tubes ect).  You'd think I would have been fine!  I suppose surgery is something that one never gets used to.  I was worried that, at 3, he might be scared or unsure of what was going to happen.  But he surprised me!  He played while waiting, and in the OR waiting room there were really cool toys to keep kids occupied while the "team" came to talk to each set of parents in there.  Video games, bead mazes, wagons, ride on cars, TV's to watch and the coolest, which are kept solely for kids to drive into the operating rooms, a powerwheels Hummer and Corvette!  Kaden chose the Hummer and as it was time for him to leave me, he hopped in, buckled himself and his kitty in, kissed me good bye and told me he loved me.  And off he drove!  Now, he was still in his street clothes as he absolutely refused to put hopsital jammies in, which was not really a big deal.  I knew that he'd be changed once he was "asleep".  About an hour later I got the call to head to recovery.  I was warned that he was quite upset, which I also know, is not abnormal.  Well, I had no idea a 3 year old child could be quite as strong as what he proved!  When I walked in, he was very aggitated, screaming and crying and trying to pull his IV out.  You could see in his eyes though, that he wasn't really there.  I took him and sat on a chair, with his IV arm tucked behind me so he couldn't reach it with his other.  He'd have about 15 minutes where both of us worked up quite a sweat, him trying to break free from me, and me trying to stop him.  Then he would relax and drift off.  His little heart pounding until he'd relax.  This went on for about an hour.  After that, we went back to the ward where we stayed until we were ready to come home.  He had a few popsicles and a cup of apple juice.  He slept soundly, all the way home.  Last night he was very wired, which I've come to learn is normal for my kids after a general anesthetic.  I had to set my alarm to wake him up for Tylenol every 4 hours, throughout the night.  It was a long night for both of us, but probably moreso for Daddy, who slept on the couch so Kaden could sleep in bed, next to me! 
This morning he slept in a bit, the day surgery nurse called to see how the night went, and Kaden woke up happy and hungry! 
We have a bit of running around to do today, so hopefully all goes well with him!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Just sent off an email

To the elementary school that my 10 year old son goes to.  He has a severe egg allergy, and in the past, to date, the school has been anything but supportive.  They're an "allergy aware" school, and as long as you have a peanut allergy they are on board with it all.  But, if you're allergic to anything else, it seems they really don't care.  They say they do, they even have asked for my input when it comes to bake sales etc, but the bottem line is, if it benefits the school financially, or makes the school look good, they don't care.  His class is going to Camp Arnes next month, and I'd like to know how students with food allergies (or any health issue, for that matter) are accomodated when at camp.  I've also been speaking with the camp myself, and will continue to do so until the date they go. 

My son had an allergic reaction a few years back, after sitting on the gym floor for a movie day.  This was in the spring.  The fall prior to that spring, the older students had done an experiment where they had to insulate a raw egg in a box, with different materials.  The goal was to launch their box from a certain height or distance to see if their egg would break or remain intact.  I know this, because my daughter took part in it.  Now of course, some eggs were fine, but obviously there was a mess on the floor from the eggs that broke.  The gym floors were cleaned however many times for the remainder of that year, so when I got the phone call to "come pick Brandon up because he's covered in hives", I didn't expect it could be from that.  The principal that was at the school when this happened, and I, later on sat down and tried to figure out how he was exposed to his allergen, and when.  I had sent all his own food for his movie day, his teachers and classmates were of course, aware of his allergy.  Any precautions that were needed, were met.  The gym floor is the ONLY thing that any of us could pin this reaction to.  We know it's a severe allergy, his RAST test, done by one of the top pediatric allergists' (google him, you'll see-Dr Allan Becker) shows his allergy getting worse, not better.  He was diagnosed at 10 months old, and turned 10 years old this past September.  So egg "stuff" is not something new to us.
Anyhow, back to the school.  Over the past few years, the concern and the way allergies are handled has really, in my opinion, gone downhill.  Everyone that lives with, works with, knows someone, or has any type of life threatening allergy, should watch this video documentary. Click on the orange section just below the text and a warning, have some kleenex in hand.  All it takes is one exposure, or one exposure too many. 
I have never asked that our school doesn't allow anything with egg in it to be brought in, but rather I've asked that no eggs be allowed in Brandon's class, or near him.  No egg salad sandwiches, no boiled eggs.  No egg decorating at Easter time in the class.  I've heard people, not knowing who I am, talking about how it's not their problem that there's an "egg allergic kid" in the school.  Guess what???  It's everyone's problem.  People tend to know more, and of nut allergies (peanut specifically) than any other, and it seems if it's not something they need to know about, or care to know about, then it's just that.  Not their problem.  Why should their child go without? 
We've done our best at educating our son when it comes to his allergies.  We've taught him how to use his epi pen and twinject.  We've discussed the signs and symptoms of an allergic reaction.  Without the support of others, what more can we do but hope for the best?  I don't want his allergy to be his crutch, or something that labels him.  He is no different than any other 10 year old kid.  He just can't have eggs (or anything to do with an egg).
There's a saying that stands so true, but sadly, you don't see it practiced often.
It takes a village to raise a child.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

London Drugs Coupon & Price Matching Policies

Our coupon policy is as follows:
The following coupons may be accepted at London Drugs:
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London Drugs Canada: If you find the same merchandise advertised in print at a lower price, London Drugs will match that price.

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London Drugs does not price match online pricing or items purchased through their online store.

Happy Mother's Day to my Father

And this is being said, because my Dad was both a mother, and a father to my brother and I.  My mom wasn't around for most of our childhood, and still isn't.  So Happy mother's day to my dad. 
My dad passed away from heart disease in 1990, so day's recognized as any sort of "parent's" day, is always just a little sad for me.  I have many fond memories of my dad though, and they're what's important. 
I do however, have the best Mother In Law in the world, so I do have someone to proudly say Happy Mother's Day to, that is physically a part of my life.

We're just doing quiet stuff around the house today, and the best gift for me so far, is......get this.........NO FIGHTING is going on between any of the boys!  Yay!!!!!!

Happy Mothers Day!

I came across a video on one of the blog sites I follow, "Ode to Parents (Mother's Day Song)" and thought I'd share.  Enjoy! 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ever have "one of those days"?

I'm having one of those days.  Kids are whiny, tired and miserable.  Which means, I'm miserable. 
After having to wake the kids up this morning (which is likely why they're so cranky), I dropped middle son off at preschool while youngest son and I did some running around.  I bought them McDonalds for lunch, which you'd think they'd be happy about, but nope, still complained..........and they've been at each other ever since. 
I really really hope that they sleep well tonight and wake up in a better mood, because I'm being pushed right to my limits today, that's for sure!

Hopefully I'll actually have something interesting and a little more positive to blog about tomorrow..........
I hope you're all having a better day than we are today!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Busy day today!

But a busy day means an early night for the rugrats which I'm not complaining about!
Little son had his speech therapy today, he goes every second week.  The therapist was happy at the progress he's made since his last appointment.  Middle son had preschool, only a few more weeks until he's done for the summer!  Then in fall, he's off to Kindergarten.  Oldest son has baseball tonight, just out of town.  At least the weather is cooperating! 
We sat outside pretty much all afternoon today, and between the fresh air and the wind, the two younger boys are pretty beat. 
And the plan for tonight for hubby and I are, throw a frozen pizza in the oven, whip up a salad, open a bottle of wine and just relax.......................can't wait!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Might as well jump right into this blogging thing.  Lets see. 
Today was a normal day in our busy house.  Dinner was in the crock pot by 9am and making the house smell wonderful!  Beef stew.  A hearty, comforting, easy to make and a healthy, filling meal.  No one here complains about not having enough to eat when I make stew.  It goes a long way. 
Older son came home and had a wood tick on him, that was interesting.  You'd think being a prairie girl, things like wood ticks wouldn't freak me out, but they do.  Gross.  Anyhow, it was "dealt" with. 
It was an uneventful day for the most part, which trust me, in this house is a welcomed thing.  Uneventful.  I wish every day was like today!