The flea battle continues BUT, I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I have my daily routine which consists of waking up and immediately vacuuming the entire house. This works up a good sweat before I'm able to sit and enjoy my coffee. The kids know the routine, they sit on the couch or in our bed watching TV while mommy does he crazy cleaning. The dogs are barely scratching anymore, so I know it's just a matter of staying on top of things for the next little bit, to make sure that no pesky little hopping bugs decide to make our house, their home. Yuck though, is all I can say.
I had a great conversation the other night with some family out on the coast, it's always nice when we talk. Something that we don't do often enough!
It's raining out today and supposed to continue until Monday. I work all weekend and Daddy will be at home trying to keep the boys entertained while I'm away. To be honest, I need the break. I love my kids to death, but it gets to that point at times, that I need some adult interaction. So work it is!
OK, off to do some laundry. Yes, it's the ever daunting task that seems to take over our days in this house!
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